No, not the singer but the food. Meatloaf is another staple American dish dating back to the 1800’s. Someone out there discovered that if you ground meat then you could use more of it, including …
No, not the singer but the food. Meatloaf is another staple American dish dating back to the 1800’s. Someone out there discovered that if you ground meat then you could use more of it, including …
I’m sure this won’t come as a surprise to most of you but New Zealand is right up there with the best of them when it comes to meat consumption per capita. The good folk …
There are lots of recipes out there for steak with chocolate sauce, but until now no-one has considered making chocolate taste like meat. As revealed in the NZ Herald today Dr Hanna Frederick has developed …
Thanks Steph for sending this Flickr link through to me. Meat is not only great to eat but it’s also good to look at too. Take a look at these beautiful photographs of meat. I …
Julia Child is hot property at the moment what with the new movie (starring Meryl Streep) from the cook book cum diary Julie and Julia. People are rediscovering the art of the Julia Child recipe …
If you are wondering what to buy Dad for Father’s Day then look no further than a great book about meat: The River Cottage Meat Book. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is the rough-haired country geek of TV …
The New York Times reports that butchery is on the rise. Many young people are begging their way into an apprenticeship with a boutique butcher shop to learn the art of killing and processing meat. …
Here’s a great and simple way to cook pork. I used a roll of pork which is relatively cheap and can be bought from any good supermarket or food store. Ingredients: 1 kg rolled pork …
Personally, I hate the movies this wee pisstake is mimicking, but this is fantastic. And tell me – how come the cow looks soooo much like Laurence Fishburne? It’s uncanny! Take a look here
Can you believe we consume 60 million pies each year. Apparently it’s a $120 million dollar business. But someone out there is getting more than their fair share of pastry and congealed meat. That’s 15 …