Gallagher’s Steak House, New York City

logoI had to share this with you. Laura took this photo and posted it in her Facebook photo album where I happened to be lurking one day.

It’s the fridge at Gallagher’s Steak House in Las Vegas. Gallaghers started in New York City in 1927 and is obviously a bit of a tradition. So much so that they now have branches in Vegas, Newark International Airport, Tampas and Atlantic City.

Their signature dish is a dry aged sirloin (aged for 21 days in-house) – the 14oz steak they sell for US$40 and the 16oz for US$45. That’s around $60 NZ. Sides are extra.

I have no idea about the quality of the meat – where it comes from or what it is fed but the fridge full of meat looks stupendous.

I’m adding this steak-house as a place to eat before I die!

Gallagher's Steak House fridge
Gallagher’s Steak House fridge


  1. Alan

    I once visited the wonderful Angus Steak House in Auckland where my better half’s brother did indeed nearly die.

    Eating a big steak with bread is now no longer deemed a sensible pastime in our extended family – it formed a particularly effective plug in his throat. Several large thwacks on the back dislodged the meat/bread mixture.

    After ten minutes recovery we continued the task of eating our steaks mindful indeed of the potential dangers that confronted us. We are much more careful nowadays.

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