The latest news to hit the meat world in April is the release of a new fragrance from the house of Fargginay (say it fast).
At first I wondered if this was a cruel April Fools joke – cruel because if it’s not true I’m going to be disappointed. But it appears not to be a joke. News was released on April 7, a full week after the typical day of pranks.
To ensure that the Meateaters community has an accurate and unbiased report of this new product I have purchased a bottle and will be reviewing it here once the goods arrive from Chicago. Either that or my credit card is now being used by a Nigerian scamster to purchase pornography and illegal munitions.
The story goes that John Fargginay, a butcher from Paris, discovered that he was able to dramatically elevate his customer’s mood with “a secret recipe blending 11 popular pure essential oils with the essence of…bacon”.
“With a wink of the eye and the secret code, “fargginay,” customers would be slipped a discreet pouch containing the formula said to trigger pleasant memories. After a massive fire on July 4, 1924, the business was lost and so was the formula – until now.”
Read more about the story here.

The fragrance comes in two styles: Bacōn Gold and Bacōn Classic. Both are the same price – there’s just a subtle difference between the two scents.
The Gold offers a ” memorable sizzling citrus aroma with an ever so slight hint of bacon and the fun… is in finding it. This artisanal Gold formula is lovingly crafted with a pure essential oil blend of mandarin, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, nutmeg, pimento berry, black pepper & a touch of sweet, a smidgen of savory, and one pinch of Bacon salty goodness.”
The Classic on the other hand is a “sophisticated spicy maple fragrance with just a hint of bacon and the fun… is in finding it. This artisanal Classic formula is lovingly crafted with the pure essential oil blend of bergamot, orange, lime, grapefruit, black pepper, cedar wood, vetiver, guaiacwood and two pinches of Bacon salty goodness.”
Oh yeah!
OK, so here’s my tongue-in-cheek review:
Customer reviews:
“It smell’s disgusting. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought the cat had vomited!” – Linda, Ngaio
“I love it – it’s like walking around with a cooked breakfast all day…mmmmmm!!” – Alan, from a garage in Ngaio
So guys like it but it’s not one to pick up the ladies. Unless the ladies you attract are into cat vomit.
Maybe a woman could wear it to pick up men?
Good idea!
Seriously – it’s not a refined or sophisticated scent. Think of something you might be able to buy at the $2 shop and you are close to what it smells like.
Having said that, the smell of bacon is evident.
Novelty scent. Gotcha.
Not in Wellington, but thanks for the offer. I’d be interested if this is a wearable perfume and not just a novelty item like many bacon products seem to be.
Hi Genie – I’ll let you know what it’s like when I get it in my hot little hands. Everyone in my office was very intrigued but like you say – it might just be a novelty item.
Thanks for visiting.
It would be nice to experience these two perfumes before purchasing one or the other. Any idea if any shops sell them?
Hi Genie
Well, as I said I got the Gold version – so when it arrives if you live in Wellington I’m happy to let you have a test 🙂
The Classic apparently has exactly TWO hints of bacon rather than the one.
I’m very excited – soon I’ll be smelling like a good hot breakfast all day!!