Meateaters forum has “left the building”

Some of you may have noticed over the weekend that you couldn’t access the Meateaters website. I was blocked as well.

The reason for this was that some nice person decided to use the forum as a means of running an illegal software download access point. My ISP (ICDSoft in Hong Kong) detected this activity and consequently blocked all public access to the server.

In order to remedy the situation and get the site up and running once more I was asked to upgrade the forum software, or remove. I chose to do the latter – the reason being that there was very little activity on the forum from Meateaters and if it was causing issues then best to remove it.

I’m hoping that the removal of the forum has actually improved performance of the site overall, as it always seemed a little ‘over the top’ in the functionality that it was able to provide.

Depending on the feedback I receive I’m not discounting giving a forum another try in the future. For the meantime though it’s back to email and using comments as a way of communicating with the other fans on Meateaters.

If you have any recipes or comments by all means fire them through to me at

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