Bakel’s Supreme Pie Awards – 2011

The Bakel’s Supreme Pie Award goes to Shane Kearns of Viands Bakery in Kihikihi. He won the competition with a gourmet fruit pie, only the second time in the 15 years of the competition that a fruit pie has won the coveted award.

Shane’s pie was a spiced plum, port and apple pie.

The Kearns’ win ended the dream run of pie maker Pat Lam, of Gold Star Patrick’s Pies in Tauranga and Rotorua, who has won the supreme award four times, including twice with a creamy bacon, mushroom and cheese pie.

Here’s a list of all the winners in the Bakels New Zealand Supreme Pie Awards for 2011. I’ve only included the meat winners – really, we’re not interested in the vegetarian versions.

Congratulations to everyone who entered this 15th competition.

Supreme winner

Shane Kearns Spiced plum, port and apple pieViands Bakery80 Lyon Street Kihikihi,
Te Awamutu

Mince and gravy

GoldIan HollowayHollies BakeryFlaxmere Shopping Centre,
Swansea Road, Hastings
SilverBrent HughesPukekohe Pak N SaveCorner Harris Rd & Queen St,
BronzeShane KearnsViands Bakery80 Lyon Street,
Kihikihi, Te Awamutu
Highly commendedGeemun ChaoFast & Fresh Bakery Café8 Horomatangi Street,

Steak (diced) vegetables and gravy

GoldJenny LyPenny Lanes Bakery248 Onehunga Mall,
SilverSuoi Hi LyWhenuapai Bakehouse and Café79 Brigham Creek Road,
BronzeGeemun ChaoFast and Fresh Bakery89 Horomatangi St,
Highly commendedBunnarith SaoDairy Flat Bakery1443 Dairy Flat Highway 17,
RD4, Albany

Chicken and vegetable

GoldNeville JacksonJacksons Bakery and Café15 Middle Road
Havelock North
SilverDavid LiemGreenland Bakery and CaféS3 Market Square,
Botany Town Centre
BronzeBill Lenh LiemGreenland Café5/28 Subway Road
Highly commendedSuoi Hi LyWhenuapai Bakehouse and Café79 Brigham Creek Road,

Gourmet meat

GoldChicken, Bacon & MushroomDavid LiemGreenland, Bakery & Café3 Market Square, 
SilverChicken, Pistachio & CranberryIolie MurphyEternent Café26 Victoria Street,
BronzeBeef StroganoffPeter WheelerBays Pies/BarringtonsUnit 1 / 5 Miro Place,
Highly commended Chicken, Bacon, Cajun & Spinach SaucePatrick LamGoldstar Pats Pies19 Bethlehem Road,
Bethlehem Town Centre, Tauranga

Bacon and egg

GoldBrent HughesPukekohe Pak N SaveCorner Harris Rd & Queen St
SilverPatrick LamGoldstar Pats Pies19 Bethlehem Road,
Bethlehem Town Centre, Tauranga
BronzeChhai Heng ChrinMerrivale Bakery405 Fraser Street,
Merrivale, Tauranga
Highly commendedJohn Van Der BerkJohns Bakery and Café358 Heretaunga St West,

Mince and cheese

GoldBrent HughesPukekohe Pak N SaveCorner Harris Rd & Queen St
SilverPatrick LamGoldstar Pats Pies19 Bethlehem Road,
Bethlehem Town Centre, Tauranga
BronzeJenny LyPenny Lanes Bakery248 Onehunga Mall,
Highly commendedMana EndooNgaruawahia Bakery and Café88 Great South Road,

Steak and cheese

GoldIan HollowayHollies BakeryFlaxmere Shopping Centre,
Swansea Road, Hastings
SilverDavid BellThe Bakery12 Clifford Road,
Wakefield, Nelson
BronzeSray SenqBlagdon Hot Bread Bakery555 Devon Street West,
New Plymouth
Highly commendedMichael KloegTen O’Clock Cookie Bakery and Café180 Queen Street, Masterton

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